Was ist das für ein Model?

Hier ist seine Antwort...

It's a totally weird bass, and I have to admit I'm a little tired of it. It's super heavy. It's made by a guy called Brian Giffin. "Giffin guitars". He seemingly made a tonne of instruments by hand in the 80's for a lot of hair metal acts or at least heavy rock bands. So the bass is active with bartolini pickups and all that jazz. It does sound really good for that modern, almost Spectre bass tone. But I've got to admit on the new record I've finally got myself a precision....and I'm pretty pleased with it!
Hier ist seine Antwort...

It's a totally weird bass, and I have to admit I'm a little tired of it. It's super heavy. It's made by a guy called Brian Giffin. "Giffin guitars". He seemingly made a tonne of instruments by hand in the 80's for a lot of hair metal acts or at least heavy rock bands. So the bass is active with bartolini pickups and all that jazz. It does sound really good for that modern, almost Spectre bass tone. But I've got to admit on the new record I've finally got myself a precision....and I'm pretty pleased with it!
Scheint es aber noch/wieder zu geben
Scheint es aber noch/wieder zu geben
Ja und scheinbar jmd mit ner langen Geschichte..Charles scheint den Bass ja auch iwie zu mögen :-P
Er hat mich übrigens um nen Gefallen gebeten und da er so nett geantwortet hat, tue ich das hier :-)
Er will einen seiner custommade Fretless verkaufen, falls jmd Interesse hat, hier der Link:

Ich habe das Album heute dreimal durchgehört. Es gefällt mir außerordentlich gut. Bei einigen Sachen weiss ich nicht ob es ein E Bass mit Effekten oder Key/Sample ist.
Super Songs .

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