fender preci antigua 77


Active Member
Hi i need sell my basses to finance a new one ist a shame but has to go here ist my fender precision 77 antigua finish complete original 100% with case (wasted)
this one got what my luthier says "a perfect neck " streight frets are perfect, no one play this one much, the neck got even some bird eye arround ,truss rood works , picukps originall and perfect working tuner like new , potis original, i gona make some pictures , the only thing ist the scratchplate broke a bit were the input is just like many other preci´s , this one got ash body heavy nearly 5 kilo monster sustain and a great vintage look, maybe cuased from weather changes its completly crack , i got this one for a recording session and just did a wonderfull job.
price 2400eu, no trades on this one collector gem.
cheers thanks for reading.bass ist in münchen

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