[Grätenfrei Videos] Coole Songs mit Fretless

FZ in liner notes from Sheik Yerbouti: The bass part is extracted from a four track master of a performance from Gothenburg, Sweden in 1974 which I had Patrick O'Hearn overdub on a medium tempo guitar solo track in 4/4. The notes chosen were more or less specified during the overdub session, and so it was not completely an improvised "bass solo." A year and a half later, the bass track was peeled off the Swedish master and transferred to one track of another studio 24 track master for a slow song in 11/4. The result of this experimental re-synchronization (the same technique was used on the Zoot Allures album in Friendly Little Finger) is the piece you are listening to. All of the sensitive, interesting interplay between the bass and drums never actually happened...

O'Hearn's bass track originated as an overdub on FZ's solo from Inca Roads, Gothenburg, Sweden in 1974. FZ broadcast this version of Inca Roads with O'Heran's overdubs on WSOU FM in 1978.

Bozzio's drum track originated from a studio recording of a piece titled Number 9 which is a version of the Outside Now motif in 11/4 referenced by FZ in the Sheik Yerbouti liner notes above as ' a slow song in 11/4'.

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